December 14th,2012

Today we decided to be lazy. We spent the morning making food and lounging around the hotel. It wasn’t until Carlos and his friend cam by the room, that we did something. He told us to grab a swimsuits because we were heading to the famous waterfall. We walked up to the water fall to just take in it’s beauty. The thing is we weren’t really all to ready to venture in to the chilly watrer.

It was a good thing becuase they had packed a pininic for us after the horse back ride up.The trail ruans through pasture and rainforest.We spotted animals like toucans, monkeys, and other tropical creatures. It took about 15 minutes to hike down the stair set to the waterfall and an hour to arrive by horse. After laying down and relaxing awhile we decide to go swimmming in the waterfall. It was amazing and cold!

We spent the rest of the relxing there and not ginving a care. We ended up going back the hotel to eat dinner and watch movies. I should probably make a post about the food soon.Yeah, I think I’ll write one tomorrow, but until then take care.