December 4th, 2012

I hate connecting flights, but I guess I would hate a long flight just as much. I also hate having to get a Passport but I guess that’s what I had to do if I wanted to visit. Oh, but thank God I only had to get a passport and not a visa.  I had to go from Alaska to Seattle, and from Seattle to my final destination, Costa Rica. They were  rather boring and dull flights but I’m hoping that it would be worth it in the end. There really wasn’t much of a time difference, in fact it is only a three hour time difference.

I did pack the  necessary things for a trip like this one. I brought a couple of shirts and a two dresses. Made sure I brought a jacket and sweater in case I visit a place with higher elevation. I packed hiking shoes, light weight dress sandals, and river sandals. I didn’t forget  to bring shorts or long pants. I packed things  like towels for a hike through the hot springs, things needed to keep up good hygiene , a first aid kit, and all the medical and female products that are hard to find in rural areas. Not to mention  books, sunglasses, sunscreen, maps, and documents. I really should have to worry about converting U.S currency into Costa Rican currency because most of the prices are listed in U.S dollars.

I really hope I meet new people while on this trip. I want to learn the culture and their ways. I think it would be wonderful to hike in the mountains and see things I couldn’t see in Alaska.  I want to talk to people who can tell me things I would have never know if I hadn’t come to visit. I’m traveling with a friend, so I hope they don’t slow me down, but I also hope that it’s safer. I just want to know  Costa Rica as well as I know Alaska, and that’s the only reason I’m on this trip.